My First Public Game!!!

I finally uploaded a game somewhere! It has been 5 long years since I started making games and  I have not had the courage to upload any of my solo work ANYWHERE. I participated in 2 global game jams (2017 and 2018),  so those games were published to their site. But still no solo work. 

With the coming of ludum dare tomorrow, I'm going to need a place to upload my submission.  And I don't know how to post to And what better way to learn to post a game on, than to post a game to!! lol So I pulled up the quickest N3K EN tutorial, and here we are.!

I certainly think for me to start putting out my content for public review. I've been scared of hostility and rude comments, but honestly it's time to get over that. I welcome the  constructive criticism or general trolling lol. It's the only way I'll get better at my craft.

Files Play in browser
Nov 30, 2018

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